SOTA activation Roque de Jama/Tenerife EA8/TF-014 on 08.09.2017

A short report about a radio expedition to a mountain on Tenerife
For all non-radio hams: SOTA is short for „Summits on the air“ and is a variation of the hobby where radio hams carry radio equipment to a mountain, transmit, and try to make as many contacts with other radio hams as possible. For this, points are awarded, and, if you gathered enough points, you receive a certificate. Apart from that, it keeps you fit. If you’d like to learn more: visit the web site of the SOTA program at web site unter .
SOTA activation Roque de Jama/Tenerife EA8/TF-014 on 08.09.2017
Roque de Jama is not hard to reach. The equally mountain-enthusiastic XYL and I drove to the village by the name of “Roque” (that is easy to remember) by hire car. You can park in a public space (see map) and then walk to the start of the path to the summit which was a little bit harder to find and is located between two properties – see photo.
The path to the top can be found on OpenStreetMap (see screen shot). Space at the summit is very narrow and not very well suited for setting up your station – but luckily 5 meters below there is a rocky ledge with a fantastic view, shadow and the possibility to set up the antenna.
I was able to jam my telescopic mast between a few rocks and in no time the antenna (this time a tri-band dipole from SOTABeams) was up. After a short self spot on SOTAWatch I managed 6 contacts in CW on 20 meters – with very moderate conditions plus a lot of QSB. Thank you to all QSO partners!
A few tips: the last part of the ascent is very steep and takes you over loose rubble on some bits. It was very hot in September, take enough water with you. It is very beautiful up there and maybe you can take the opportunity for a small picnic with a great view and watch the air planes start and land at Tenerife South airport.
Parking and path to summit Entrance to the path to Roque de Jama from the road Path to the summit Antennas at the summit In QSO Panorama from the open air shack