Joebyte ?

Hi! Nice of you to drop in.
I am Jörg Schlottmann and I am working in adult education. That encompasses everything from design to delivery that is important for knowledge transfer. Hold seminars, explain the world, make complex things easily comprehendable for the target group – that would about sum it up. On top of that I have a great curiosity for a host of other topics. To these belong amateur radio (my callsign is DF6XP – for the insiders), art, Great Britain, the German energy economy and measurable quantities in contrast to felt truths. About that – and anything else that comes up spontaneously – I will write here from time to time.
By the way, you might not believe this, but this blog actually exists because I just wanted to check out WordPress. Professionally I have come into contact with Joomla (another content management system) and was curious about the workings of WordPress. At the same time, I wanted to write a short account of an amateur radio activity thet took place during our holidays. The question was: Where? And now this blog is here.
And why You might not believe this, either. Since the late seventies I deal with IT and have operated a range of the early personal computers like the Commodore VC20, Sinclair ZX81 and Apple 2 . There were no umlauts -the Äs, Ös and Üs of the German language- which is a bit odd when you are named Jörg. But there were user names for the first computer programs. And somehow Joerg and the bits and bytes mixed up to “Joebyte” as my nick- and user name. Since the early years of the internet I had the domain “” reserved and have now activated it for this blog. That’s the story.
Enjoy my blog. It would be nice to hear from you, too.
Jörg Schlottmann